Portrait of Zirui Wang, a Finance Ph.D. student at UT Austin, pictured in November 2023. He is wearing a white striped shirt and glasses, and has a focused, confident expression. Zirui has black hair and is looking directly at the camera.

Welcome to my website!

I am Zirui Wang, a Finance Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business. My research interests include Forensic Finance, Climate Finance, Real Estate, Fintech, Behavioral Finance, and more to be explored during the Ph.D. program.

Before coming to UT Austin, I earned a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, San Diego.

RA Experiences

University of Texas at Austin

University Of California, San Diego


University of Texas at Austin

  • Teaching Assistant, FIN 294.1 Advanced Corporate Finance (MBA)
    with Prof. Aydoğan Alti, Spring 2024

  • Head Teaching Assistant, FIN 367: Investment Management (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Samual Kruger, Fall 2023

  • Teaching Assistant, FIN 367: Investment Management (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Michael Sockin, Spring 2023

  • Teaching Assistant, FIN 367: Investment Management (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Michael Sockin, Spring 2022

  • Teaching Assistant, FIN 367: Investment Management (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Andres Donangelo, Spring 2022

University Of California, San Diego

  • Teaching Assistant, ECON 100C: Microeconomics C (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Maxim Sinitsyn, Winter 2021

  • Teaching Assistant, ECON 100A: Microeconomics A (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Maxim Sinitsyn, Fall 2020

  • Tutor, CSE 190: Post-Relational Data Models (Undergraduate)
    with Prof. Alin Deutsch, Fall 2020

Select student comments (as TA):

  • "Zirui did great throughout the semester, definitely one of my top 5 TAs during my college career."

  • "Zirui was definitely the most organized/ helpful amongst all of the TAs."

  • "He was always available for questions and responded to my emails promptly."

  • "I just wanted to say thank you SO much for the extra time and help you poured into me these past few weeks. It really help me understand the material and prepare as best I could for the final. I appreciate your patience, your composure, and your understanding!"

  • "I appreciate all your efforts and hard work in helping us students learn more while preparing for exams. Your office hours for Exams 2 and 3 were a catalyst in understanding my mistakes and learning from them for the Final. I hope you can continue to be a TA and continue helping to foster learning in finance for students."

  • "I really appreciate Zirui working to put together the exam reviews, even if it was difficult to wrangle the students together. Those really helped especially when he walked through the problems step by step and tried to go deeper by connecting conceptual questions to calculations."

  • "Zirui and I debated some of my free–response answers on the first two exams. Although we sometimes had differing opinions, he was always receptive to what I was saying and looked to explain his perspective in the best way possible."

  • "really appreciated his help over email and office hours, even though he was super busy behind the scenes organizing the course. also really enjoyed his presentation of his own research!"